Past Lessons

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday's Class - Determing the Theme of Story

Entry Title:  Alliteration and Imagery

What might be one of the literary symbolic meanings behind the the following line from the story?

“She stood by the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a grey fence in a grey backyard.”

Use the TREES method of paragraph development to respond.  A possible topic sentence could be...  In the short story, "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry the author uses literary symbolism. This is to enhance his narrative (story). For example...

  1. Bellwork - Reader Response: Literary Symbolism
  2. Homework Check: Literary Symbolism Worksheet
  3. EQ - Can you determine the theme of the story, "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry?
  4. Learning Objectives - 1) Reinforce how to determine the theme of a story using a plot structure diagram.
  5. Mini-lesson - Review the process of determining the theme of a story using a plot structure diagram.
  6. Guided Practice - Working in pairs and using the short story, "Gift of the Magi" and a plot structure diagram, determine the theme of this story.
  7. Assessment - Theme statements based on plot structure diagram.  This is a Classwork Grade.
  8. Homework - Study vocabulary words for the test on Friday.

Blank Plot Structure Diagram

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday's Class - Identifying Literary Symbolism

Entry Title:  Gift of the Magi Vocab Practice II

Select THREE different vocabulary words below from the short story, "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry and use each one in a sentence that demonstrates you understand the meaning of that word.
subside, agile, instigate, cascade, parsimony, inconsequential, predominate, quantity, illuminate, nimble

  1. Bellwork - Three vocabulary words.
  2. EQ - Can you identify literary symbolism in a piece of literature?
  3. Learning Objectives - 1) Identify literary symbolism. 2) Use TREES to write a well developed response.
  4. Mini-lesson - Model a well written paragraph using TREES on literary symbolism in the story.
  5. Guided Practice - Use TREES to write a response about literary symbolism in the short story, "Gift of the Magi" and have it peer edited for a Class Work Grade.
  6. Assessment - Rough draft of essay completed by end of the period.
  7. Homework - Use feedback from peer editor to write final draft of essay due tomorrow.

Model of Essay Identifying Literary Symbolism

The Number Three
     In the short story, "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry, the author uses literary symbolism associated with the number three repeatedly throughout the story.  This is because the number three is considered a mystical number and reflects the fact that there were three Magi from the biblical account of Jesus' birth and the gifts they offered the Christ child. For example, the story centers around three things: Jim's gold watch, Della's hair and the love Jim and Della share. These three aspects of the story represent its title because there were three Magi.  This is only one example of many which highlight the author's use of the literary symbolism associated with the number three in the story.

Review of Peer Editing Process
  1. Find a friend to peer edit your essay.
  2. Write your name at the bottom. "Corrected by: Marcy Cameron"
  3. Use the TREES mini rubric to be sure the paragraph is fully developed.
  4. Proofread the essay for grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors using proper proofreader's marks. Also be sure the person skipped lines!
  5. Offer any suggestions to improve the essay.
  6. Return the essay to your friend so they can make corrections on their final draft for tomorrow.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday's Class - Identifying Literary Symbolism

Entry Title:  Gift of the Magi Vocab Practice I

Select THREE vocabulary words below from the short story, "Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry and use each one in a sentence that demonstrates you understand the meaning of that word.
subside, agile, instigate, cascade, parsimony, inconsequential, predominate, quantity, illuminate, nimble

  1. Bellwork - Three vocabulary words.
  2. EQ - Can you identify literary symbolism in a piece of literature?
  3. Learning Objectives - 1) Identifying literary symbolism & 2) Reviewing story vocabulary.
  4. Mini-lesson - Model how to complete the "Identifying Numeric Symbolism in Literature" worksheet.
  5. Guided Practice - Working in pairs, students will complete the worksheet.
  6. Assessment - Amount of worksheet completed by end of the period for a Classwork Grade.
  7. Homework - Complete the worksheet and study for Unit Test on Friday.

Name                                                                                                                       Date                     
Period                                                                                                                      DeGrandis

Identifying Numeric Symbolism in Literature
Using “Gift of the Magi” a Short Story by O. Henry
What is the numeric symbolism?
Text Based Documentation
How is this symbolism related to the number three?
There are three characters.
·          Three times Della counted it.
·          Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name "Mr. James Dillingham Young."
·          Where she stopped the sign read: "Mme. Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds."
There are three characters and three Magi.










