Past Lessons

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday's Class - Writing Workshop

 Parent Connect:

What You Need for Class Today...
  1. Composition Book
  2. Pen/Pencil
  3. From Back Table:  New Essay Sheet


Get out your Plot Structure Diagram due for homework!


  1. DO NOW:  NONE
  2. RULE REMINDERRaise your hand to participate!
  3. QUOTE OF THE WEEK“If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly.”
    Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
  • HOMEWORK CHECK: Plot Structure Diagram for Romeo and Juliet
  • TODAY'S QUESTION: How can you improve your test score?
  • MINI-LESSON: Review peer editing process.
  • PRACTICE: Working in pairs, peer edit Friday's test. Then,
                      create a fianl copy on loose-leaf paper by the
                      end of the period.
  • ASSESSMENT:  Final draft of essay.
  • HOMEWORK: None

  • When Writing Your Question/Prompt
    • Wrong: Explain how Romeo and Juliet's love is fate or free will.
    • Right: Explain how Romeo and Juliet's love is effected by by fate or free will.
    • It's like saying, "Explain how gaining weight is food or starvation."
    • Do not make it personal. For example, "Explain if you believe in fate or free will."
    When Writing Your Essay
    • USE TREES!
    • Use quotes for your examples!