Past Lessons

Monday, May 4, 2015

MP4- Week 3

    MONDAY 5-4:  What is Integrity Frayer Chart      

Reminders:  You will need...

  1. Homework: 10 Setences
  2. Taking a Stand Frayer Model (in blue folder)
  3. Composition Notebook
  4. Integrity Frayer Model (back table)

Do Now - Think and Respond
Entry Title:  Vocabulary List 7 Challenges

  1. How might someone without an iota of temerity respond to an invitation to go skydiving?
  2. How might a prosecuting attorney elucidate a jury on how a criminal purloined merchandise from a jewelry store?

      Learning Targets
      I can explain what integrity is and identify examples of integrity from the novel and real life.



      1. First, an anecdote about integrity and something found in an airport.
      2. TED Talk: Building Integrity (see video below)
      3. Meet with your NYC appointment and share a story about either yourself, someone you know or a story you heard that exemplifies integrity.

      Work Time
      Complete the Frayer Model for the word INTEGRITY.

        Answer the following question on a sheet of loose-leaf paper (no composition book paper please) and turn it in before you leave for the day.

        Find one quote from the novel that shows someone having integrity.  Copy down the quote with the chapter and page number.


        DUE Friday!
        Read Chapters 26-31 and complete the corresponding Study Guide Questions (Click this link for a copy of the questions).

              TUESDAY 5-4:  Teacher-Guided Reading Assignment     

          Today you will need:  
          1. Novel, blue folder, Study Guide Questions and...
          2. Pen or sharpened pencil.

          Do Now - Think
          Entry Title:  Crossword


              Learning Targets

              I can comprehend the sequence of events that occur in chapters 26-31.



                Review proper response structure for study guide questions.


                  Work Time

                  Read and complete SGQs for chapters 26-31.

                    Completed SGQs for chapter 26 and 27 #s 1-4 by end of the period!


                    DUE Monday!
                    Finish reading the novel and complete the remaining SGQs #s 6-11 due Monday.

                        WEDNESDAY 5-6:  Four Corners Activity   

                    Reminders:  You will need...
                    1. Key Quotes handout.
                    2. One piece of scotch tape.
                    3. Taking a Stand (should be in your blue folder) and Integrity Frayer Charts (this is the one from yesterday)

                    Do Now - Think and Respond
                    Entry Title:  Taking a Stand: Your Connection

                    With a partner, share a story of a time you, a character, or someone you know took a stand.  be prepared to share a brief version of it with the class.

                        Learning Targets
                        I can analyze the development of the theme of integrity as it relates to the theme of taking a stand!


                        1. Review and analyze the four Key Quotes posted around the room.
                        2. Each of these quotes represents a different reason someone might take a stand.  For example:
                        3. Quote A is about: Not hurting the innocent, or even protecting the innocent.

                          TURN and TALK:  Determine what each of the other quotes mean with your partner and be prepared to share your answers.

                          Quote B is about:

                          Quote C is about:

                          Quote D is about:


                          Work Time: Four Corners Activity

                          1. Get out your Taking a Stand Anchor Chart (blue folder)
                          2. Get a sentence strip from Mr. DeGrandis.  These were taken from the Taking a Stand anchor chart.
                          3. Get a piece of scotch tape and tape it to your sentence strip so it is ready to place on one of the Key Quote posters around the room.
                          4. Read your Sentence Strip.
                          5. Think about why the character might have taken a stand.
                          6. Determine which of the 4 quotes around the room best represents why the character might have taken that stand.
                          7. Class discussion
                          8. Change your mind?  It's OK.  
                          9. Tape your Taking a Stand Sentence Strip to your final choice in one of the corners of the room.


                            Exit Ticket on integrity.


                            DUE Monday!
                            Finish reading the novel and complete the remaining SGQs #s 6-11 due Monday.

                                  THURSDAY 5-7:   Create Vocabulary Flash Cards for List VII     

                              You will need...
                              1. Vocabulary List VII
                              2. Flashcards
                              3. Markers

                              Do Now - Think
                              Entry Title:  Word Family Members

                              Complete the following sentences with a word family member from List 7.

                              1. My mother said that _____________________ anything is illegal no matter from which store you stole it.
                              2. My science professor ______________________ my on the mysteries of supernovas and giant dwarfs.
                              3. Mr. DeGrandis thinks he's the ____________________ teacher in the school, but he really isn't that clever.

                                Learning Targets

                                I can create study tools in order to help me memorize and use all the words in vocabulary list 7.



                                  review of making vocabulary flash cards.


                                    Work Time

                                    Make your cards.

                                      Completed cards due tomorrow!


                                      DUE Monday!
                                      Finish reading the novel and complete the remaining SGQs #s 6-11 due Monday.

                                          FRIDAY   5-8:  DIRT Day    

                                      • Do Now - Start a DIRT Day Entry
                                      • Entry Title:  DIRT DAY

                                      DUE Tuesday 5-11
                                      Properly use 10 vocabulary words in 10 well- constructed sentences that prove you understand the meaning of the words.

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