Past Lessons

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday's Class - Human Vocabulary

Do Now - COPY
Entry Title:  Human Vocabulary

A learning strategy that uses body language, acting and expression to help students remember the meaning of vocabulary words.

  1. Do Now - Human Vocabulary
  2. Hand in All Late Work Today! Nothing will be accepted after this period!
  3. EQ:  How can acting out vocabulary words improve your recall of the word definitions?
  4. Mini-Lesson: explain how to play Human Vocabulary?
  5. Practice:  Students will work in pairs to present two vocabulary words to the class.
  6. Assessment: Class participation grade based on vocabulary presentations.
  7. HW - Use fifteen vocabulary words in a sentence which clarifies the meaning of the word in context.

Need a copy of the vocabulary words?  Click here!

How to Play Human Vocabulary
  • Pair up with a classmate (only two people per group)!
  • Your teacher will assign your group two words from the vocabulary list.
  • Use body language, acting or mime to represent your vocabulary words.
  • Present your two words to the class for a participation grade.

How You Will Be Graded
A - You presented your word. It was clear from the presentation which word was being performed.
B- Your partner presented your word. It was clear from the presentation which word was being performed.
C - You presented your word.  It wasn't clear from the presentation which word you were performing.
D - Your partner presented your word. It wasn't clear from the presentation which word was being performing.
F - You chose not to perform your word. Your partner did not perform your word.

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