Past Lessons

Monday, September 23, 2013

Period 9 - Week 4

MONDAY - Single Period
  1. Do Now: COPY
    Entry Title: Target Vocabulary (Use existing entry)

    acknowledgement: the action of expressing or displaying gratitude or appreciation for something
    awkward: causing difficulty or hard to deal with; feeling embarrassment
    apparently - as far as one knows or can see
    reluctance - unwillingness to do something
  2. Learning Target: Today you will learn how to make vocabulary card for study purposes, learn how to summarize information in a text and understand how to use the Independent Menu.
  3. The Independent Menu p.19
  4. Make Vocabulary Flashcards.
  5. HW: Use each vocabulary word in a sentence. Due Wednesday.

    TUESDAY - Double Period

    1. Learning Target: Today you will reinforce your understanding of the vocabulary words for this unit and learn how to summarize text you have read.
    2. Mini-Lesson: How to summarize what you read.
    3. Independent Reading. Focus: Summarizing
    4. HW: Finish workbook pages. Study for vocabulary quiz on Thursday using your flashcards. Sentences due tomorrow!

    WEDNESDAY - Single Period
    1. Do Now: Think
      NOTE: You will need two sticky notes for this, not your composition book!
      Think of a word that means the opposite of the following vocabulary words:
         a. instinct
         b. reluctant
         c. unsuspecting
    2. HW Check and Collect Vocabulary Sentences.
    3. Learning Targets:  Today you will practice using the vocabulary words in preparation for Thursday's quiz and increase your comprehension of selected aspects of the novel so far.
    4. Independent Work: Word Knowledge Chart on Page 153
    5. Group Work: Word Study on Pages 133-134 of Workbook.
    6. Format of Vocabulary Quiz
      - Spelling: You will have to spell each word correctly.
      - Fill in the blank: You will have to know its definition.
      - Put word in a sentence: You will have to use each word correctly in a sentence. Spelling and grammar will count!
    7. Vocabulary Bee if time. 
    8. HW: Study for vocabulary quiz tomorrow.

    THURSDAY- Double Period

    1. Do Now: Cram time!! Prepare to take your vocabulary quiz!
    2. Learning Target:  Today you will present your knowledge of the vocabulary words and reflect on the characteristics of several characters in the book.
    3. Administer Vocabulary Quiz
    4. Independent Reading when done.
    5. New Entry: Target Vocabulary List II
    6. specific - clearly defined or identified
    7. unbearable - not able to be endured or tolerated
    8. Read Aloud: p.40-51 in Swallowing Stones by Joyce McDonald.
    9. Class Conversation Questions.
      a. What are some questions you have about what was just read?
      b. Why might the scene at the party be included in the text?
      c. Why might the conversation Michael overhears about Jenna Ward be important?
      d. Have you changed your mind about Michael since the beginning of the story?
    10. Class Conversation: Reflecting on character attributes so far.
    11. HW: None

    FRIDAY - Single Period
    1. Do Now: COPY
      Entry Title:  Plot Structure
      The sequence of events that take place in a text.
    2. Lesson Targets: You will understand what plot structure is, how different genres have different plots and some texts have multiple plots.
    3. Target Lesson: What is plot structure?  Complete Swallowing Stones Plot Chart
    4. Group Work: p.77 in workbook.
    5. What to do when you finish a book?
    6. Classroom Conversation: Connecting Images to Plot and Adding to Plot Chart
    7. HW: TBD