Past Lessons

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Marking Period 2 - Week 1

    WEDNESDAY  11:12:14    Informational Text    

Reminders:  You will need...
  1. Composition book
  2. Summary of your article for HW
  3. Blue folder and The Vietnam Wars informational text packet.

Do Now - COPY
Entry Title:  (add to Vocabulary List III)

7.  encroach v. (encroaches, encroaching, encroached) - to advance upon something very slowly. 
      The sea has encroached all around the coast and has advanced too close to the beach houses.

8.  excruciate v. (excruciating, excruciated, excruciates) - to torture someone physically or mentally.
     Listening to Kara sing was so excruciating I had to leave the room because I felt like I was being tortured.

Learning Targets

  1. I can determine the main idea of an informational text about the Vietnam War. 
  2. I can improve my background knowledge about the history of wars in Vietnam.

Bridge:  Visual Synectics 
New Entry Titled:  Visual Synectics: Vietnam War



Mini-Lesson:  New Strategy - Three Step Interviews
  • What is it?  A way to help you appreciate the ideas and thinking of others.
  • What you need:  Your summary of your assigned article.
  • How does it work?
    1. Choose a partner from your group.  One person is the Interviewer, the other is the Interviewee.
    2. The Interviewer listens to the summary of Interviewee.
    3. The Interviewer paraphrases (your own words) what the Interviewee said.
    4. When your teacher calls time, switch roles.
    5. Now pair up with the remaining people in your group.
    6. Repeat the interview process in pairs.

    Work Time
    Now that everyone on your team has heard a summary of each person's article.  Combine the best elements from each summary and  write a single summary on poster paper.  Refer to the handout to format your poster.  Be sure to proofread it carefully because these will be posted around the room for all to see.

    Completed posters.


        THURSDAY  11:13:14    Informational Text    

    Reminders:  You will need...
    1. Composition book
    2. Summary of your article for HW
    3. Blue folder and The Vietnam Wars informational text packet.
    4. New! - A copy of The Vietnam Wars Questions and Notes Sheets handout!

    Do Now - Copy
    Add to Vocabulary List III

    9.  wary  a. (unwary) - feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
         Dogs that have been mistreated are often wary of strangers out of  a sense of danger.

    10.  spurn  v. (spurned, spurns, spurning) to reject someone or something with dislike or hatred.
         Katrina spurned her date, leaving him in the car, the moment she realized they were going to be having dinner at The Olive Garden and not The Ritz Carlton Hotel. 

      Learning Targets
      1. I can determine the main idea of an informational text about the Vietnam War. 
      2. I can improve my background knowledge about the history of wars in Vietnam.
      3. I can work with a group to create a presentation for my peers.

      Turn and Talk:  How might these informational texts help you better understand Inside Out and Back Again?  Be ready to share your answer with the class!

      Mini-Lesson:  Writing a Good Summary
      • Refer to Section 1 of Your Packet: The Vietnam Wars
      • A strong summary is a brief statement about the most important information.
      • Summary Sample:  The main idea of Section 1 is that the Vietnamese are warriors who have been fighting many different countries for over 1,000 years.
      • Turn and Talk: What might be the author's perspective on the Vietnamese people and how do you know?

        Work Time/Practice

        Finish up your summary for your article with your group! Then....

        • New Strategy: Modified Jigsaw
          • What is it?  A way to quickly share information from different sources with a large group of people.
          • How's it Work?  Each group will re-read their article and share their summary of their assigned article with the class.
        • Reminder:  The goal here is to understand more about Vietnam so you can understand what's going on with Ha and her family.  You do not need to understand every detail of the text.
        • What You Should Do...
          1. Get out the The Vietnam Wars Questions and Notes Sheets handout.
          2. Listen as each group shares their article and summary statement.
          3. Take notes using The Vietnam Wars Questions and Notes Sheets.

          • A = Article was read fluently and with personality. Summary was a totally accurate reflection of all the most important information presented in the article.
          • B = Article was read fluently. Summary was a mostly accurate reflection of the most important information presented in the article.
          • CArticle was read somewhat fluently. Summary was a somewhat accurate reflection of some of the important information presented in the article. 

        Quality of summary presentations using above rubric.


            FRIDAY  11:14:14    DIRT Day    

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